Masculine & Feminine Balance
We’re at a time in our history where society is at a crossroads. Our existing systems and structures are crumbling before our eyes. And many people are at risk of falling through the cracks as power structures and oppressive systems are evolving in ways we haven’t seen in our lifetimes. At the same time, many of us are disconnected from our true, authentic, and whole selves.
As the former head of Personal Transformation & Wellbeing for EILEEN FISHER, I saw first hand the power of integration and the challenges that come with the disconnection from self. In this consciousness raising idea, is the ways we reclaim our energies and parts of ourselves that have been suppressed and operate in our shadow.
One of the most obvious conversations that I speak to is the integration of the masculine and feminine energy within each of us. This is a genderless conversation that speaks to the energies that make us whole and give us access into our deeper humanity. In men’s circles, we talk a lot about toxic and healthy masculinity and masculine. First I see a distinction between masculinity and the masculine energy within. Masculinity is a construct that is external to us, but is where social conditioning lies. However, many men embrace masculinity as their own rather than a construct that is put upon them.
The masculine energy within each of us is different. It is an energy and it holds a lot of power within us either consciously or unconsciously. At the same time, in these same men’s circles, we talk very little about the feminine. And it is when we are balanced in our energies that we tap into our deeper humanity and ability to thoughtfully respond to situations rather than have knee jerk reactions.
Another way to look at these energies is that in the masculine, we often seek to fix a problem whereas through the feminine we are healing the wound. For many men, the feminine is essential for the healing that needs to happen from the wounding many men have experienced as a result of social conditioning that comes from the social conditioning of the masculinity construct. It’s moving us from the should’s to the what is conversations - and this is the door opener to connecting with our authentic voice.
When we are able to integrate into my masculine and feminine energies, we become more whole. At the same time, based the conditioning, there is often so much shame around the suppressed energy of the feminine, that there needs to be time for the healing that allows for the true integration.
We often intellectualize this conversation of masculinity or the masculine and feminine. Yet, it is a very different experience to become embodied in the masculine and feminine - in ways that we stop talking about and be it. The embodiment of our integration becomes the barometer and guide for our thoughts, our access to our emotions, and our actions. When we blend the head and the heart, we become better decision makers, have greater access to our creative expression, and are better able to self-regulate, which leads to more effective leadership and the ability to create meaningful change in the world.